Tuesday, January 28, 2020

Sch21 Communication Essay Example for Free

Sch21 Communication Essay Communication plays a major part in our everyday life, if we did not communicate with each other we could not learn, develop relationships or even progress and it is very important to make sure that the best provision is created for all. Different methods can be used as a way of communicating but the way we express it can have different effects on the children, parents and staff that we work with. When communicating with children it is important to give them your full attention as this encourages them to express how their feeling and to explore by asking questions because if by any chance you become distracted while communicating to a child by turning the other way while their are speakingthey may feel that what they are trying to say or ask you may be unimportant to you and this may cause the child to lack in confidence when speaking to another adult or child and may become reluctant in expressing themselves or asking questions. Adults can also demonstrate a good use of language and encourage children to express themselves and become confident in themselves by showing them that you are actively listening and showing them that they are valued by using your body language and facial expressions this is done by socially interacting with the child by getting down to their level and establishing eye contact, smiling attentivly and nodding encouraginaly to them. It is always important to make sure that good communication is kept with the child because if its not then the child may find it difficult to interact with you and this may affect his or hers learning and development. It is also important that your work is of its highest standard and that the child is benifiting from this. Good communication skills are always essential when working with parents, being positive towards them by showing them good eye contact, smiling and body language. It is also important when communicating with parents that you are giving them time to be heard and are paying full attention to them. When possitive relationships are formed between collegues and parents it is easier to trust, support help and advise. Parents will feel alot more confident about leaving their child in a setting if the staff are friendly and approachable by being this way you can recieve the mutual respect and develop a professional relationship by showing that you have interest and priority in their childs learning and development although it is as equally as important that while you are developing a professional friendly relationship with the parent that it doesnt become personal and develop into a friendship. Good communication is the key to establish a possitive relationship with your colleagues and other professionals in the setting it has a major impact on the daily running of the setting it is important to be polite show respect and be highly professional with anyone that you work along with. It is important to respect other peoples views regardless of your own personal opinion of them. If you choose to be unproffesional and dismiss other peoples views and opinions this may result in result between the adults and this can be easily picked up by the children and if communication is poor between the colleagues this can have a negative effect on the setting , while a good relationship between colleagues will create a comfortable and happy enviroment for allthose involved in the setting and they will feel valued which will create a strong proffessional relationship and will allow the children to learn and develop efficently, good teamwork depends on good communication. . 3 Give an explanation of why it is important to observe an individuals reactions when communicating with them. It is important to observe an individuals reactions when communicating with them because only around 70-80% of communication is verbal and if you are not paying attention to the persons facial expressions and bodily reactions then you will be missing out on a large part of the communication because not all people are able to communicate verbally maybe they dont know the language or just dont have the confidence, perhaps the individual may not have the confidence to confront the person therefore would use other ways of communicating.

Monday, January 20, 2020

jimhf Huck and Jim’s Relationship :: Adventures Huckleberry Huck Finn Essays

Huckleberry Finn and Jim’s Relationship Throughout The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn, Mark Twain illustrates the bond formed between Huck, the young white protagonist, and Jim, Huck's black companion. Huck's father Pap, while he was still alive, had beaten Huck repeatedly, kidnapped and scared his son to the extent, that Huck, out of fear, feigns his own death to escape Pap's grasp. While Huck and Jim travel down the river it becomes apparent that Jim is more of a father figure to Huck than his biological father. Pap teaches the virtues of a life not worth living, while Jim gives Huck the proper fatherly support, compassion, and knowledge for Huck to become a man. Although Huck and Jim come from separate racial backgrounds their time together allows them to surpass their ethnic segregation and become true friends, and family. A father's attributes are meant to be examples for which his offspring can base their own lives. Pap attains non-of these attributes. Pap is an ignorant drunkard who attempts to swindle and scam any possible person. He goes so far as to even filch from his-own son. Pap views Huck as someone upon whom he can assert himself. He attempts to drain Huck of all characteristics that would make Huck superior to himself. "You're educated, too, they say; can read and write. You think you're better'n your father, now, don't you, because he can't? I'll take it out of you... Ain't you a sweet-scented dandy, though? A bed; and bed-clothes... and your own father got to sleep with the hogs... I bet I'll take some o' these frills out o' you before I'm done with you."(21-23) Pap is no father to Huck, he berates, kidnaps, and beats his own son with no remorse. The only lessons that Huck learns from Pap are what not to do with his life. He's seen the draw-backs of alcohol, stealing, and other such elicit actions that his father has performed. Pap is a low down dirty scoundrel who wishes nothing but the worst for his-own son. While Pap acts as an anchor on Huck's heel, Jim opens up a new world for Huck, and becomes his companion and a resource of knowledge.

Sunday, January 12, 2020

A Comparison of newspaper articles- four editorials Essay

Newspapers have long been a mean of communication between the general public and the world. They usually state facts and opinions about an important event that has taken place in the world, which would be of interest. This news can range from political views to showbiz to world affairs. One thing that we do not do when we read a newspaper is to think for one second that what we are reading is that exactly how it happened. Newspapers are used as a medium for propaganda. Propaganda is used frequently in everyday life to manipulate out thoughts and despite what the majority of us think it does affect our opinions. It’s a proven fact that newspapers are more propaganda than facts as the news are twisted around to support the journalist’s own political views. So in a way all news that we read is not as we interpret it to be because journalists would only write what they feel is right and all of us have different opinions. There are two main types of newspapers, Broadsheets like â€Å"The Guardian† and Tabloids like â€Å"The Mirror. † Tabloids are the most popular type of paper; they are often smaller in size, more colourful and use stimulating images to target a certain age range such as teenagers. They use simple words so they are the most widely read newspapers in the world. On the other hand Broadsheets are generally larger in size, more serious and less colourful. They are mostly concerned with current affairs, political issues and people opinions about the government. They are targeted for a specific audience, which might be people who are involved in the fields of employment that are mentioned in the newspaper, or it could just be ordinary people. This essay will explore different types of newspapers and their effects on the general public. I will be doing this by comparing four newspaper editorials from â€Å"The Sun† â€Å"Daily Star† â€Å"The Guardian† and â€Å"The socialist worker. † All four editorials report on the same thing, which is a fight between Nigel Benn and Gerald McClellan where at the end McClellan was left on a life support machine. I will be looking if the editorials are bias and are they for or against Boxing being banned in the UK and how effective their techniques are. In the first editorial by â€Å"The Sun† â€Å"No one is forced to fight† is a tabloid, the headline is very big and bold as is for the second editorial by † The Daily Star†, which is also a tabloid, called â€Å"They knew the risks. † It catches the readers attention straight away even at a glance. The first editorial by the Sun has two verbs in its headline. The word ‘No one’ is a pronoun that indicates/refers to people in general so by saying this the reader will be curious to find out as to what it stands for thus they will be enticed to read the article. The second article is similar to the first in the sense that the pro-noun ‘They’ is quite general, in order to cause the to look at the article in more detail or stimulate interest. The third editorial by â€Å"The Guardian† â€Å"One pummelling too many† is a broadsheet and already you can spot the difference with the headline. It is not bold or italic it is just normal writing. The word â€Å"Pummelling† is not frequently used by the masses, which would most probably capture a target audience. The fourth headline by â€Å"The Socialist worker† â€Å"Boxing bosses count the cash† is also a tabloid. Unlike the other articles it gives us a clearer picture of what the article is about because it is the only one that mentions the adverb ‘Boxing’ The Sun, Daily Star, and the socialist worker, context are less detail, they have short simple facts about the fight and so therefore is aimed at a very broad audience. The first article starts of with a fact but the writer then goes on to express his own views and therefore it is mainly opinions. For example â€Å"why should boxing be banned when all those sports continue? † and words such as brutal† and â€Å"cruel† are used to describe the event, which affects the reader’s emotions, making an incident where blood was involved come to their minds. On the other hand The Guardian newspaper provides a lot more detail with static’s. For example † Britain’s boxing rules have been tightened for over 300 years since the first bare knuckle fight was recorded†. The Guardian has used longer sentence structure in comparison to the other newspapers, the words are generally long and more than three syllables long for example words such as â€Å"neurological† are used, which is quite typical of a broadsheet newspaper as it has so much facts and uses complex vocabulary that it is only served for the needs of intellectual people. All the other newspapers are tabloids so they have used short sentence structure and short words for example is article two the longest word is â€Å"endeavour† where as that would probably be the longest in a broadsheet. The linguistic structure of the sun/daily star and the choice of words are more dramatic and sensation than the Guardian, for example: â€Å"The Sun† Ban boxing It’s too dangerous †¦ Can cause serious damage to the brain †¦. The fear of injury or even death Of course it is brutal and cruel Few of us would dare try it â€Å"The Daily Star† The fight was ferocious, brutal, bloody The end was tragic †¦. Plunge him to purgatory Everyone who watched this fight will never forget it â€Å"The socialist worker† is more concerned with human values than with Boxing itself. It is actually telling us how people have power over others and how they use and exploit them to such an extent that it leaves them paralysed. For example â€Å"to them [managers] boxers are little more than dogs† but than it goes on to give the writers own thoughts â€Å"but those in the ring are prepared to risk their lives because they see it as their only chance of achieving a better life. † The first article does not follow a balanced argument and is biased, what it does is it makes the reader think by using retheriotical questions. For example â€Å"how many jockeys are seriously injured falling of horses? † â€Å"How many rugby players are paralysed with broken necks? † â€Å"Why should boxing be banned when all those sports continue? † it lets you come to your own conclusion but then straight after that it says, â€Å"You cannot nanny people, however tragic the consequences of their actions might be. † Which then makes the reader completely lose track of what he was thinking and accept that what is written is true. This article is against Boxing being banned. The second article is clearly biased and in favour of boxing. If you take one glance at it you will notice that straight away in bold it says, â€Å"they are grown men free to make their own decision. † This article does not let the reader have any thought it is constantly trying to stimulate the readers mind into believing that to box is not a crime. In its last sentence it seems like the author wants people to be involved in committing acts of violence â€Å"don’t let the do-goodders diminish an heroic battle. † The third article is by the Guardian and is also biased and as you would of expected it to be it has used a lot of static’s and facts to persuade their audience that boxing should be banned. The fourth article appears biased that it inclines towards the winner because it is only the winner that counts the cash. On the other hand one could say that the bosses are yearning for their boxers to win so that they can get the money. This article is more about how the society is run than boxing itself because it says â€Å"boxing is a multi-million pound business† but its not the only sport where you can make a million pound. This author wants the class-dive system changed as he clearly outlines it in his last sentences â€Å"The real question is not whether boxing should be banned but whether we can rid of the system which creates it. † Coming to a conclusion I would say that the best newspaper which is more likely to make people think is â€Å"The Socialist Worker† as it would than be a need for one to understand the importance of society and how our we exploit it. After that has been done, than, you could start thinking about different other issues. My own opinion is that boxing should not be banned even after knowing the tragic consequences. I think that if you were to ban boxing there would a lot of unrest and protests so therefore the best way of preventing that is to allow boxing. If people are sane they will know the consequences of boxing and yet if they still want to continue we cannot stop them they have free will but they were warned. So if you allow boxing this way the decision is theirs (boxers) not anyone else’s and only they can be blamed for their actions.

Saturday, January 4, 2020

Four Major Approaches to Clinical Psychology - 1803 Words

There are many approaches to clinical psychology; the four major approaches are in psychodynamic, cognitive-behavioral, humanistic, and family systems. Using the four major approaches contributes to the effectiveness in treatment by identifying the goals of each approach. The paper will break down the approaches, goals, techniques, and the overall approaches used. Philosophical Origins of Clinical Psychology ApproachesAs Thomas Plante (2005) cleverly suggested, clinical psychology is both a science and an art. Scientific research and inquiry helps establish appropriate and effective therapies just as clinical experience allows for improvement in design and implementation (Plante, 2005). One of the primary aspects of clinical psychology is†¦show more content†¦Psychodynamic: Psychodynamic therapy, also known as insight-oriented therapy, focuses on unconscious processes as they are manifested in a person s present behavior. The goals of psychodynamic therapy are a client s self-awareness and understanding of the influence of the past on present behavior (plante, 2005). Cognitive-behavioral: The cognitive approach is presented here following the behavioral discussion. During the 1970s, many researchers and clinicians adhering to the behavioral approach to research and treatment acknowledged a number of significant limitations in their model. Primarily, a strict focus on overt behavior neglected the contributions of thinking and attitudes in human behavior. Cognitive approaches with behavioral approaches. Treatment focusing on changing thinking, feeling, and expectations became as important as the goal of changing overt behavior (plante, 2005). Humanistic: The humanistic approach employed philosophy, existentialism, and theories of human growth and potential to understand human behavior and offer strategies for psychological treatment. The humanistic approach focused on the patient s experience or phenomenology of their concerns and offered warmth, empathy, and unconditional positive regard in psychotherapeutic interactions (Plante, 2005). Family systems: The family systems approaches tend toShow MoreRelated Clinical Psychology Essay1452 Words   |  6 PagesClinical Psychology Psychology is an extraordinarily diverse field with hundreds of career paths. Some specialties, like treating the mentally ill, are familiar to most. Others, like helping with the design of advanced computer systems or studying memory, are less well-known. What psychologists have in common is a shared interest in mind and behavior. 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